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On this website you can find information concerning the Dutch Medical Physicist Training Foundation (hereinafter referred to as OKF). The OKF was founded on October 9th, 2008 and was recognized by the Ministry of Health on October 13th, 2009. The main objectives of the OKF are to organize, register and optimize the professional training of medical physicists in the Netherlands. Since August 26th, 2009 the medical physicist is officially part of the Individual Health Care Professionals Act (Wet BIG, Article 34) as a protected recognized profession.

The OKF issues the rules on medical physicists training and the recognition of trainers and training institutes. The OKF consists of a governing council, a consilium college, which defines the regulations, and a review college, which has the control function. The control function includes approving individual training programs and inspecting (university) hospitals. Only if an institute fulfills all requirements it can receive a recognition to train medical physicists for a period of 5 years.

It is important to know that each training position explicitly has to be assigned by the Ministry of Health. This assignment is necessary to receive an all inclusive governmental subsidy. When a candidate is educated on a training position which is not approved and subsidized by the Ministry of Health, the candidate is not eligible for registration at the end of his/her training.

The OKF holds a public register of registered medical physicists. All relevant documents concerning the training of medical physicists in the Netherlands are available on this website. Foreign applicants can make a request to the “Committee Recognition Foreign Medical Diplomas” (CBGV) of the Ministry of Health for an individual advice about their status with respect to the Dutch national regulations of all recognized medical professions.

If you have any questions left after reading this website, please contact the secretariat of the OKF.
