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Admission to the training programme

Admission to the training programme with a foreign degree

Admission to the training programme with a foreign degree is only possible if the degree is acknowledged as equivalent to a Dutch master’s degree in Physics. IDW assesses the equivalency, and provides a decisive answer. Stichting OKF itself is not involved in the assessment of foreign degrees.

Admission to the training programme with a degree obtained in the Netherlands

A Dutch master’s degree in Physics or an equivalent Dutch master's degree is a legal requirement for admission to the training programme. Stichting OKF has indicated equivalent degrees which require an additional certificate, listed under gelijkwaardige vooropleidingen.

There is a large variety in both master’s and bachelor’s programmes. Stichting OKF has outsourced the decision on which programmes are suited as prerequisite for a medical physicist training programme to a number of Dutch universities. These universities use a well-defined set of conditions in their decision-making, which results in a list of master’s degrees equivalent to a Dutch master’s degree in Physics. Stichting OKF does not assess any master’s degree deviating from the approved degrees. The equivalency of foreign degrees is assessed by IDW.

Dutch language

In general, no proof of proficiency in the Dutch language is required to the start of the training programme. However, the institute at which the training programme takes place will probably take your level of Dutch into account, as you will have to be able to communicate in Dutch to colleagues (medical doctors, technicians, nurses) and patients.When finishing the programme, the candidate has to be fluent in Dutch, both written and spoken (see Curriculum II.3 Communicator). Studying the Dutch language is not part of the training programme and should therefore be done in the candidates own time.
